In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



The research has been done to plan the sustainable development of tourism with emphasis on ecological residences in Hanza region. This research is a practical study with a descriptive- analytic approach. The studied population consists of two groups of tourists and experts. All the population of experts has been studied due to its small size. While the population of tourists due to the uncertainty of the size and the minimum sample size for surveys, 120 tourists were selected from March 2015. Cronbach's alpha value for ensurence index were calculated for the tourists 0/81 and 0/89 for the Group of Experts. Data were analyzed in the softwares of SPSS and Excel with using one-sample T-test, Friedman test and SWOT model. One-sample T-test results showed that the satisfaction of tourists from facilities with average 1/55 and satisfaction in terms of the tourism potential was above average 14/17.  Results of Friedman test that used to prioritize residences in Hanza region showed that the most appropriate option for tourists to stay are ecological residences. In addition to, the results of SWOT model indicated that making ecological destinations have various weaknesses and threats despite have strengths. Among the strategies, first place with a score of 3/053, threats, weaknesses, with scores 3/013, 2/879 and 2/874 respectively next ranks. The best strategy according to the conditions of the ecological destinations in Hanza region is the competitive  aggressive strategies with an emphasis on maintaining the existing situation.


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