In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Development experts with examining the role of government, business and civil society in development, found government and market failure in many cases and that it is turn to test civil society’s role in people and local institutions development. Therefore the strengthening of community-based organizations in development was considered important. In this regard, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of saving credit associations on spatial - physical development of rural settlements, 30 members of this community were chosen with snowball technique and in the semi-structured interviews and direct observation required data was compiled and were analyzed by contentanalysis and indactive approach. The data consists of interviews, divided into units and then compression means are summarized. Finally, by inductive way sub and main themes of abstraction have been extracted. The findings show that association in terms of physical capital (housing, communications, rural facilities) and natural capital (protection of the environment, water resources, livestock diversity, ownership of land) and rural settlements from the perspective of space on stream of consciousness, population and money rural settlement has been effective. In general, the results of show that although these associations are social – economic organizations, but can not be spatial – physicaly ignored. It seems that if empower the associations and using them to solve problems is better and faster to got results. The researchers also want to study these formations is proposed considering the local nature and having no (or low) similar to the outer approach of qualitatively can results in a more useful way form.


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