In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Today, natural disasters and damages caused by these accidents in different parts of the world have made making cities safer to become a long-term and achievable challenge so that urban communities are looking for conditions to reduce the damage so they can get to pre-crisis situation as soon as possible. Meanwhile, viability is an important way to strengthen communities and cities by using their capacities. In this regard, the present study uses a descriptive-analytic method to investigate the viability of Babol area against environmental hazards that’s questionnaire was arranged with four dimensions, 16 indicators and 31 sub-indicators and total of 383 questionnaires were distributed randomly among the statistical population of the study, based on the Cochran model. To investigate the research issues and data analysis has been used from the multi-variable decision-making model "VIKOR" and the standard weights of each of the indicators have been calculated using Chanol Entropy method. The results of the research data were analyzed using SPSS, GIS and Excel software it is shown that among different dimensions of urban vibration in 12 areas of Babol, physical dimensions (with a mean of 3.54) and then social (with an average of 3.14) are more appropriate but in general, about 50% of the studied areas in Babol have low glare and irregularity and only 25% of the regions are quite viable in terms of indicators.


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