In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association



During the last two decades, coastal areas of Caspian Sea have witnessed a rapid physical and spatial change in terms of converting farm lands into residential applications in rural areas. The process has been accelerated by emerging the second home phenomena, especially in settlements with a natural attraction such as beaches. Converting farmlands into residential construction encompasses a considerable economic interests and this is the reason why farmers are not eager enough to continue their previous agricultural activities. Coastal villages of Hssan Roud-Zibakenar in Guilan province are considered as one of the most impacted areas by second home constructions.  Based on a documentary-comparative method, the present study has compared the first and second Rural Conductor Plans (Tarh-e-Hadi) of Zibakenar area to review the physical and spatial changes occurred at the last two decades. For better understanding of socio-economic motivations behind the spatial changes, a field work was performed and appropriate questionnaire were completed. The results of field work show that there is an increasing trend among rural residents to convert their farmlands into residential lots for construction of second homes. Such a process not only has changed the socio-cultural contexture of the area, but also has changed the rural landscape and the structural-functional characteristics of rural area.


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