In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association



During the recent decades, rural lifestyle in Iran has dramatically changed due to the rapid expansion of cities as well as change of the type and frequency of interactions between urban and rural areas. Such a change was, per se, resulted in some other vast changes in socio-economic circumstances of rural residents and needing the concept of liveliness in rural communities which has a different nature from what is happening in urban environments. The present study concerns with evaluating the effectiveness of Rural Conductor Plans in creating lively rural settlements according to real needs and wishes of their residents. Based on typology, this study is an applicable research and based on methodology, it is a descriptive-survey one. The sample includes 6 villages, of which 3 with conductor plans and 3 without them in GhaniBiglou district, Zanjan County. Required data was collected through both documentary and fieldwork. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were applied to analyze the data. The results show that implementation of Rural Conductor Plans has been led to improve the quantitative and qualitative components of liveliness in studied villages. It especially is evident in case of physical status of the villages. 


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