In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



The study of atmospheric and climatic conditions as effective factors on human’s life, comfort and health has resulted in a new scientific branch called human bioclimeteorology or human biometeorology which deals with effects of climatic and atmospheric condition on people. So today, it is important to study and identify climatic limitations and threatening hazards and being informed of covert attractions and potentials in geographical properties in Yazd Province during different months due to profitability in different urban and provincial plans. So regionalization and potential evaluation of human bioclimatic with climatic factors in different courses and sites can lead us to achieve comfortable environment that results in pleasant or fairly pleasant human’s livelihood and biological activities.
The 19-years data (1991-2009) of 5 synoptic stations and 6 climatologic stations and average of maximum and minimum temperature in Fahrenheit, average of maximum and minimum relative humidity in percentage, average of sunshine hours (real and possible) , and average of wind speed in m/s, for chronological and locality analysis and to provide map of human bioclimatic regions of Yazd Province are applied based on Terjung index. Following analysis of factor and computing comfort and wind-child coefficient of regions were determined using Autocad map software based on altitudinal gradient and the output was transmitted to Arcmap and finally it was turned into map.
In results, there were two warm and cold climatic seasons and also two transition seasons in Yazd Province. During each of these seasons the number of Bioclimatic types of the province would change due to the rule of macro-climatic phenomena on the country’s atmosphere. In this Bioclimatic calendar warm and cold seasons are those in which the climax of temperature properties (increasing or decreasing) will be observed. While transition season is called to the period in which a season is altering to another season. Not only the transition season is not belong to warm or cold seasons but also it possesses pleasant and in some regions, relatively pleasant conditions.


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