In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



During the last couple of decades, some factors such as population growth, need for higher levels of employment, limitations of agriculture sector and search for new activities have necessitated establishing and expanding industrial activities in Iran. An industrial estate, as one of the most suitable ways of optimal application of geographic space, is a place for the concentration of productive and industrial units. Good decisions about expanding and managing these estates require reliable spatial data. Therefore, to have a proper management and to obtain the organizational objectives of industrial estates in Iran, there is a need to create reliable databases containing spatial data. Implementation of modern information systems such as GIS to storing, analyzing, displaying and updating spatial data related to industrial estates of Iran is an advantage and any delay to apply this technology can lead to increase the executive and managerial costs. Kermanshah is one of 31 provinces of Iran located in west of the country and does have several industrial estates. It seems that establishing an information system based on GIS is a necessity for each. This paper, first introduces the industrial estate of Faraman in Kermanshah city which contains 160 productive and industrial units. Then how a geographic information system is designed and applied to this estate is discussed in details. The methodology of this study comprises: 1- collecting all required spatial data, 2- conducting focus groups include managers and knowledgeable individuals, 3- digitizing required maps, 4- providing a comprehensive list of all possible data and transferring them into a Geo_Database, 5- entering data into computer and 6- linking spatial and aspatial data. Although the final investigation about success of geographic information system for the industrial estate of Faraman has not yet reached enough time, the introductory surveys among managers and executive personnel of the estate indicate a new and better situation of managing the estate when they use GIS. The success of this experience can be shared with other industrial estates of Kermanshah province and even other estates in elsewhere of Iran.


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