In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Cities and villages are considered as two main components of geographical foundation of any area which have special relations based on their socio-economic and spatial characteristics. Rural-urban linkages are the results of interactions between rural settlements and urban centers of a region. These linkages are created due to the different flows of people, goods, information, technology, and innovation between urban and rural areas which in turn create many socio-economic and cultural changes in rural environments. The aim of the present study is to identify the internal and external spatial flows of rural settlements and their role and effects on the formation and expansion of the rural sprawl processes. The study area is Solaiman Abad located in rural division (Dehestan) of Golijan in Tonekabon County. Required data were collected through documentary and the field study by completing questionnaire and doing interview with rural household heads, rural council members, and rural managers. For data analysis, some software and methods are applied including: GIS, SPSS, descriptive statistics and statistical test (linear regression). The results show that two dominant spatial flows in the study area are population flows and capital flows which cause the spatial-physical changes of the region. Some factors such as unplanned expansion of cities, changes occurred in settlement textures, expansion of industrial and service units and increasing housing construction have caused the rural sprawl and have led to destroying fertile agricultural lands of the region.


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