In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Iran

3 Assistant Professor ,Tourism Research Center , Department of Geography and Urban planning, Najafabad Branch Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Tourism Research Center , Department of Geography and Urban planning, Najafabad Branch Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch Iran.



A sidewalk is a part of the urban space where pedestrian movement is prioritized and vehicle movement is eliminated in all or part of it. In addition to providing access, the sidewalk creates a lively, safe and comfortable space for the presence of different social groups, social interactions and optional activities. The aim of the current research is to present a model of sidewalk construction in Khorramabad city with a theoretical-applied approach based on modeling and software studies. To achieve the objectives of the research, 4 categories of indicators are used through the minimum spanning tree algorithm in the standard Matlab 2016 software environment. For the spatial analysis of the indicators, the network analysis process has been used in the ArcGIS software environment. The results showed that 29.43% of the area of Khorramabad is in a completely suitable condition for the construction of sidewalk. Spatial analysis of Khorramabad city shows that five optimal routes can be achieved for the development of sidewalks in the city. These routes are in accordance with the theoretical models obtained from the research, including: socio-economic, physical-spatial, traffic and access criteria. The best routes for pedestrian construction are: 22 Bahman Square, Velayat Boulevard, 60 Meter Boulevard, and Sharq Boulevard towards Koi Enghelab.


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