In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 semnan university

2 Tarbiat Modares University

3 Semnan University



Neighborhood-oriented planning is a relatively new approach that improves public services in urban management. Applying this approach in the planning process, more than anything else, requires appropriate social capital, cohesion and integration of residents in a neighborhood community, and strengthening the foundations and contexts of neighborhood identity. The present research has examined the role of the neighborhood-oriented approach in order to improve social capital in Qanat Kosar neighborhood located in the 4th district of Tehran. The research method is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. By reviewing the related texts, indicators and sub-branches of the concept of neighborhood-oriented planning were extracted. Based on the mentioned indicators, the required questions were proposed and by conducting in-depth interviews with 16 people living in the neighborhood and reaching theoretical saturation, the necessary data for analysis were obtained. By using the contextual theory approach and performing three stages of coding (open, central and selective) the final categories were extracted and placed in the framework of causal, contextual, intervention, interactions/strategies and consequences. Based on these cases, a paradigm diagram of the underlying theory was presented and the final theory was obtained in order to improve social capital with a neighborhood-oriented planning approach. The results show that increasing the quality of urban spaces and improving the current situation of the neighborhood, fair distribution of service and welfare facilities, increasing interactions, empowering the neighborhood council, and gaining the trust and participation of residents are among the most important strategies to increase social capital and provide the basis for achieving sustainable neighborhood development in Qanat Kosar neighborhood.


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