In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Dr. Ali Shariati, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Department of Geography- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad- Mashhad-Iran

3 Dep. Geography of Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad – Mashhad- Iran

4 Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Dr. Shariati, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran


The sustainable development of rural tourism requires the recognition and proper use of potentials and proper planning. Tourist attractions are one of the main elements of tourism without which it is difficult to create a demand for a tourist destination. Neishabur township is one of the main tourist destinations of Razavi Khorasan province with various natural and human rural tourism attractions. After Mashhad township, Neishabur has a special position of tourism in Razavi Khorasan province. However, until now, its diverse and valuable natural and human attractions have not received enough attention. In the present research, it has been tried to identify the axes of rural tourism by measuring the capacity of attractions. Identifying tourism potentials can provide good opportunities for the development of villages. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the field information was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire that was completed by 233 local experts. Data analysis and classification of villages was done using GIS and AHP model. For this purpose, 44 information layers including 15 natural attractions, 8 cultural attractions and 21 historical attractions were prepared and errors were corrected in the GIS environment. Appropriate weights were also determined with the help of Expert Choice. Then, by combining and overlapping the layers of information in the GIS environment, suitable areas were identified and the top priorities for the development of rural tourism were introduced separately for each type of attraction in Neishabur township. The results showed that the villages with high tourism potential are stretched in a strip from the northeast edge of the township to the northwest. The villages of Bozhan, Grineh, Yingjeh, Chekneh Olya, Klidar, Barzanun, Taqan, Eishabad, Ghar, Souqand, Hesar, and Deezbad Olya have more capabilities and need to be prioritized in tourism development programs. Also, 46.6% of the township area is in the very unsuitable class, 16.61% in the unsuitable class, 21.22% in the middle class, 14.81% in the suitable class and 0.74% in the very suitable class in terms of rural tourism attraction potential. If rural tourism is managed and planned in a suitable way with the dispersion and variety of attractions, it can lead to the process of sustainable development of rural and tourism.


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