In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 architecture and urban planning, technical and vocational university(TVU), tehran, iran.

2 Tehran uni

3 tarbyat modares university


Cities are growing and developing at a high speed, and the urbanization process is one of the most important issues facing urban planners. Along with the high level of population growth, land use change and its conversion to urban uses is also an important issue. The present study is an attempt to explain the spatial patterns of Kermanshah city in the last 25 years. The research is applied in nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of method and based on remote sensing data. First, the images of 1995-2005-2020 were obtained from Landsat 5 and 8 satellites in TM and OLI sensors. Then, using NVEI software and supervised classification method, the images were converted into land use maps in four classes: urban, agricultural, mountain and water. Then the maps were prepared using ARCGIS software to enter FRAGASTATS software and in the next step, they were entered to this software to analyze the landscape of the land. In the next step, these maps were analyzed using spatial metrics (PALAN-PD-NP-LSI-LPI-AWMFD-ENN-MN). In the last stage, by entering these metrics into the Shannon entropy model, a general overview of the spatial growth pattern of Kermanshah city in the last 25 years was obtained. The results of this research showed that the city of Kermanshah has experienced different growth patterns in the last 25 years. Patterns can be categorized into 3 periods. In the first period (year 1995), due to the rapid growth of urbanization and the inadequacy of urban planning patterns, the city experiences a period of scattered growth in isolated urban spots. In the second period (2005), due to the reduction of migrations and the development of the city within the limits of the existing spots, the city spends a period of compact pattern. But again, in the third period (2020), the city of Kermanshah has entered a period of dispersion pattern, which has approached the spatial pattern of a scattered city in all the metrics of the landscape.


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