In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University


According to the chaos theory, there is a pattern of order within disorder and chaos. The city also acts as a complex and chaotic system that will try to achieve a new order with the arrival of disorder. "Covid-19 phenomenon" can also be considered as a chaos, disorder and shock on human civilization and creating an alien and unfamiliar situation in cities. In order to deal with this new and unusual virus, the conventional and existing methods of governance and management in our cities will not work, and a new urban order (smart governance) and new and targeted methods of management and governance should be examined and selected. The existing chaos and disorder should be moved towards self-order, self-organization, sustainable and reasonable development and excellence in the future. In the present study, to examine and identify the indicators and sub-indicators involved in the new urban order or smart urban governance and prioritize their role in reducing the harmful effects of Corona and its impact on progress, sustainable development and excellence in the city of Semnan with a confirmatory factor analysis model and SEM modeling is done with AMOS. It is also possible to turn "smart citizens" into a big opportunity in the post-corona era, along with smart urban infrastructure. After identifying and prioritizing the indicators and sub-indicators involved in this new urban order, a sample of 22 people including elites and experts in various fields of urban planning and smart city, urban planning and urban management was selected. A number of 38 questionnaires were also distributed among the residents of Semnan in order to confirm the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Then, based on the sample size, the main questionnaire was delivered to 721 people. After analyzing the questionnaires, the smart governance variables were examined and prioritized using exploratory factor analysis in statistical software. Then, the extracted components were named and in the next step, the structural validity of the research was tested using confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS. The statistical relationship between the variables and its indicators was confirmed. In the final model of the research, using model fit tests, the relationships between variables and the influence of independent and dependent variables were confirmed. Based on the results, "smart citizens and smart infrastructure" will be the most important and influential variable of smart governance in Semnan city. The next positions will be for smart economy, smart life, smart mobility and smart environment, respectively. The findings indicate that the importance of the smart citizen index with 32.239% of explained variance is more significant than other factors. "Smart Citizens of Semnan" will be the first factor to achieving smart governance in Semnan. Making citizens smarter requires education, infrastructure and targeted planning. To achieve intelligent governance, people must be educated. By raising awareness, building culture, and creating infrastructures and encouraging citizens to use services and know modern technologies, it will cause sustainable and reasonable development and excellence of the city.


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