In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, the tourism industry is a dynamic global and social phenomenon whose scientific knowledge and analysis can provide a reliable framework for planning the tourism industry. The aim of this study was to identify the drivers that affect the future status of sustainable rural tourism in Nir township and how these drivers affect each other. In terms of nature, this research is based on the method of futures research, analytical and exploratory science and is based on an applied goal. After holding meetings and discussions with 30 tourism experts and elites of Nir township as a statistical population, 37 variables were identified in four categories. Findings based on the condition of the scattering plate showed that the system is unstable and most of the factors are scattered around the diagonal axis of the plate. Out of 37 factors considered, due to the high impact score and direct impact, only 13 factors as the output of Mick Mac and drivers are influential in the future of sustainable development of rural tourism in Nir township. The results show that among the 13 driving factors, the following are more influential and important: factors of attracting surplus agricultural sector in tourism activities, increasing technology, receiving bank credits, rural land management, income distribution and diversification to the economy and increasing job opportunities for young people.


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