In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payame Noor University

2 M.A. in Urban Housing Planning, Lecturer at Payame Noor University


Identifying suitable areas to provide the services needed by tourists in the form of tourist villages is one of the most important issues for tourism planners. The aim of this study was to find suitable areas in Mirabad forest located in Oshnoyeh township according to 9 effective indicators in locating tourist villages (slope, sunshine, land use, land ownership, distance from the line Forests, roads, rural settlements, fault lines and canals). The research approach is descriptive-analytical and applied. In order to analyze the suitable places for the construction of tourist villages in the study area, various GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making techniques have been used. To evaluate and standardize the criteria, the fuzzy logic method has been used, to determine the weight of the criteria and to determine the optimal locations in terms of the studied components, the pairwise comparison and TOPSIS methods have been used. By analyzing the results of the final layer output and its adaptation to the ground realities, three sites based on the degree of desirability for development and creation of a tourist village in the form of 100 by 100 meter pixels (equivalent to one hectare) are proposed and finally proposals for tourism development in the studied area was presented.


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