In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Geography and Urban Planning, Sistan and Baluchestan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Sistan and Baluchestan University


One of the main policies of the country and one of the most important strategies of the government in recent years is the "Mehr Housing Project" with the aim of providing housing for different groups. The purpose of this study is "Comparative evaluation of residents' satisfaction with Mehr housing in Zahedan." The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method. In the process of collecting data and information, documentary and field methods have been used. The statistical population of the study is the residents of Mehr Shargh and Gharb housing complexes in Zahedan and includes 4950 heads of households. The sample size was estimated to be 562 heads of households based on Cochran's formula and SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results of Pearson correlation analysis show that there is a significant relationship between age and monthly income and education with satisfaction with the residential complex. However, the results of t-test showed that the satisfaction of the residents of Mehr Zahedan housing complexes with a total average of 79 sub-criteria is lower than the average (2.41). Friedman test was used for the final ranking of indicators and the most important effect is the performance-structural index including accesses and facilities. SAWARA model was used to analyze the most effective indicators affecting the quality of housing according to experts. The most important content indicators are the presence of CCTV cameras and closer proximity to the shopping center. Finally, the results of independent t-test to compare the two residential complexes of Mehr showed that there is no significant difference in terms of satisfaction in Mehr housing in Zahedan.


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