In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography Department of Officer Imam Ali university

2 Associate Professor of Payame Noor University of Tehran

3 Instructor of Mathematics - Imam Ali Officer University


The idea of a creative city emphasizes that at first glance, there are always potential opportunities in cities that, if considered by city planners and managers, can have a lasting effect on the flourishing of urban creativity. Although the basis of urban creativity is cultural indicators, but the wide range of urban capacities from human and social capital to cultural, educational, scientific, religious, social and economic facilities have fewer grounds for the emergence of creativity. Tehran, as the capital and the most important metropolis of the country, has vast capacities to take steps towards a creative city. Ethnic and cultural diversity, specialized creative class, and many spatial capacities are among the most important advantages of Tehran to be a creative city. In this study, through survey work and specialized CVI and CVR questionnaires completed by 25 urban planning specialists and professors, several valid and reliable spatial-ecological indicators that affect urban creativity were identified. Then, by compiling a qualitative questionnaire based on the statistical population of 9423703 people in Tehran metropolis and a sample population of 385 people, using urban planning models and using ArcGIS10.3, SPSS 21 and Topsis Solver3.1.0 software, the analysis was performed. By summarizing the results of questionnaires and statistical analyzes of spatial indicators, 17 out of 22 districts of Tehran were in very poor to good clusters and five districts were in very good and excellent clusters. District 6, being located in cluster 1, had the conditions of a creative city, and districts 17 and 21, being located in cluster 5, were recognized as outside the general framework of the creative city.


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