In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


A.Pro./Payam Noor University


The present study has evaluated the important factors of environmental quality differences in residential areas of Mashhad with regard to social conditions and environmental disturbances by descriptive and analytical methods. Data were collected from a sample of 384 participants using a researcher-made questionnaire. For this study, data on environmental conditions, disturbances, and social interactions were collected. The collected data were analyzed using various statistics, especially Chi-square test and generalized logistic regression in SPSS software. The results showed that traffic-induced pollution in neighborhoods has a high prevalence and other pollutants, depending on the type, are often point-based and each area has its own conditions. In determining the levels of spot pollution, underlying factors such as length of stay in the city, education, age and socio-economic status were decisive. So, that people with a better history of residence and socioeconomic status expressed dissatisfaction more than others regarding the severity of pollution, especially in relation to environmental dimensions (2.3-21.3), tensions (3.6-4.4), and social anomalies (2.0-4.4). Given the differences in the level of damages received by residents, how to intervene is fundamentally challenging. Under these circumstances, planning and solving environmental problems is easily possible, but controlling different sensitivities is extremely difficult.


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