In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of art and architecture, payam noor university Tehran, Iran

2 Department of architecture, College of architecture and art, West Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of architecture, College of architecture and art, Science and Industry University, Tehran, Iran


Today's urban physical spaces are not a suitable environment for the formation and strengthening of mutual social relations and participation in the form of social groups. Social relations are influenced by different characteristics of organizing the environment and its effect on the behavior and formation of human social capital is obvious. These features include cohesiveness, permeability, readability, and scale. In fact, the quality of human presence and social activity is not independent of the space and they have a bilateral relationship with each other. Recently, several efforts have been made to promote social interactions, but the level of social capital has not changed significantly. A review of the research background in the field of physical environment has shown that spatial domains have been neglected. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess the relationship between spatial domains (private, semi-private and public) with social capital at the neighborhood level. The present study is a case study that analyzed survey data obtained from a sample of 382 people in Ekbatan, Tehran. The selection of the statistical population is based on the results of socio-cultural clustering of Tehran neighborhoods (2015), social science studies of Al-Zahra University and the author's field observations. The results of statistical analysis of the refined questionnaires showed that satisfaction with the private domain, appropriate environmental qualities in the public domain and self-esteem (as one of the individual characteristics) are correlated with social capital. Also, the existence of important activities and common behavior in public service spaces is effective in promoting social capital. Findings showed that paying attention to residents' housing and improving the physical quality of semi-private and public areas should be a priority in local planning.


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