In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography, literature & humanity faculty, Ferdowsi university, mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.(FUM).


Emphasizing the importance of sustainable urban development, the present study analyzes the futuristic approach and various factors of sustainability in the form of a system in districts one and two of Mashhad. The research follows a descriptive-analytical method using documents, questionnaires, interviews and software analysis. Based on previous studies, 30 initial variables of sustainability were selected and then based on the opinions of 30 experts, six key variables in economic, socio-cultural, physical and environmental dimensions for district 1 and six key variables in economic and physical dimensions for district 2 in the impact matrix MICMAC software crossover was identified. Then, after defining the favorable, mediocre and catastrophic situations for each of the key variables, the experts were asked to consider the effects of situations on each other in the range of 3- to 3 with regards to conditions of the studied districts in order  to use the SCENARIO WIZARD software for analyzing the present patterns of the studied areas. The results of this analysis predict a favorable scenario and a catastrophic scenario for district 1 and five favorable scenarios, a middle scenario and a catastrophic scenario for district 2. If the first scenario, which is the most favorable future for the progress of each district, is not realized, the middle scenario, which is in fact the current situation, and the catastrophic scenario, which is the destruction and reduction of sustainable factors, will be pursued. Although institutional sustainability does not play a key role in the sustainability of districts, but it strongly affects other variables of sustainability. According to the results of matrix analysis of cross-effects, physical, socio-cultural, economic and environmental dimensions play a key role in the sustainability of district one, and physical and economic dimensions play a key role in the stability of district two.


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