In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Payam Nour Uni


Today, the existing infrastructure in cities, especially metropolises, should be attractive platforms for attracting and cultivating the talents, innovations and ideas of citizens. The importance of creative cities in today's competitive world is linked to big cities that are centers of wealth and innovation. The metropolis of Tabriz, as one of the historical cities of Iran, has always been a source of wealth and technology. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of effective components on the realization of creative cities in Tabriz. The type of research is applied and its method is descriptive-analytical. Pearson and multivariate regression tests were used to analyze the data and ANP and TOPSIS models were used to prioritize urban areas based on creative city indicators. The statistical population of the study is the ten regions of Tabriz and their population. The research indicators include 10 criteria with 16 sub-criteria. The results of statistical tests showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between all components of the creative city and the level of creativity in the urban areas of Tabriz at the level of 0.000. The results of Pearson test showed that the two variables of creativity infrastructure and creative class with 0.587 and 0.557 had the highest level of significance with the realization of the creative city. The results of ANP model showed that the two criteria of creativity infrastructure and creative class are of higher importance with a score of 0.398 and 0.269, respectively. Districts 1 and 2 have better conditions due to the concentration of creative infrastructure and creative class such as professors, students, elites and doctors. As a result, some solutions such as the development of elite recruitment centers, maintaining the creative class, balanced investment in all areas in order to develop the city of Tabriz based on the indicators of the creative city are significant.


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