In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


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Poverty is a universal, complex and multifaceted phenomenon. This phenomenon exists relatively in all societies. What poses poverty as a serious challenge to policymakers is the lack of access to basic living standards such as housing, food and clothing. The purpose of the present study is to identify the factors that lead to housing poverty and to measure the degree of poverty in rural areas of Dehgolan Township. This research is of applied type and its nature is descriptive-analytical. The method of data collection is both documentary and field and the questionnaire has been used as the main tool for collecting field data. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), SERVQUAL technique, IPA matrix and poverty census index (HI) were used to analyze the data. Based on the findings of factor analysis, 38 statements were identified and named in the form of 10 sub-criteria and 4 factors (physical and functional poverty, poverty of security and comfort, poverty of enjoyment and health, and supportive and legal poverty). These four factors explain 81.8% of the cumulative variance of the factors contributing to rural housing poverty. The results show that although the quality of new rural housing in various dimensions is relatively favorable and rural housing poverty is reduced in various dimensions, but there are differences between the expected average and perceived quality. This has led to a kind of weakness, especially in the physical and economic dimensions, and the main reason is the change in the functional spaces of the native houses and the low payment facilities.


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