In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahid Beheshti University, Department of Human Geography / Faculty of Earth Sciences, Tehran/ Iran

2 Professor of Geography at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran/ Iran

3 Associate Professor at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran/ Iran,


Spatial planning as an alternative approach to sustainable development in the knowledge of geography is based on a correct and appropriate understanding of space. This type of planning is a systematic phenomenon that plays a central role in guiding society towards the principles of sustainable development. The construction of dams and irrigation networks in the form of development plans inorder to supply water for agriculture, drinking and industry has caused various structural-functional changes in the spatial system of human settlements. On the other hand, the construction of dams and irrigation networks is considered as an intervention in the environmental system that has many effects and consequences. These consequences are considered as part of geographical spaces that play an important role in the process of spatial evolution and space production. The present study uses positivist and integrated methods, quantitative and qualitative methods, completing household and settlement questionnaires and statistical analysis to evaluate the effects of Alavian dam and irrigation network (in East Azerbaijan province) on spatial changes of rural settlements through a spatial planning approach. The results showed that the implementation of Alavian dam and irrigation network due to lack of comprehensive and systematic approach based on the principles of spatial planning in different stages of study, implementation and operation has not led to the organization and balanced growth of the spatial system of rural settlements.


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