In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university ZANJAN

2 phd Student of political geography, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran

3 University or Shahid Beheshti, Faculty of Humanities

4 M.A in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Zanjan.


Land use management is one of the important axes of sustainable development, resource conservation and proper use of resources. The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of local managers in land use management and prevent informal land use change in rural areas of Khoramdareh Township. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection has been done using documentary and field studies. The statistical population is the villages of Khoramdareh Township with a population of 12582 people, of which 373 individuals were evaluated by Morgan table sampling method. Regression analysis was used for data analysis using ERDAS and SPSS software. During the study period (1969 to 2013), 1721.6 hectares of land in Khoramdareh Township has undergone land use change. During this period, 176 hectares have been converted to industrial use and 1545 hectares to agricultural use. The satisfaction of the statistical community with the performance of local management in land use management was 0.726; which means that from the statistical community point of view, local management has a direct and high impact on land use management and monitoring of land use change. Among the local management performance indicators, the highest level of satisfaction was with the index of "monitoring rural land use" (β = 0.447) and the lowest level of satisfaction was with the index of "rural economy development (agriculture)" (β = 0.227). In order to have a better land use management, it is necessary to increase supervision, change the use in accordance with the environmental capabilities and prepare the land use cadaster of the region.


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