In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor Payame Noor University (PNU), Faculty of Science, Department of Geology


In the present study, to analyze the earthquake risk of Isfahan, seismic studies and seismic hazard studies have been performed. In seismic studies of tectonics and seismic hazards of each region, it is necessary to study the active faults of that region with a radius of about 300 km, so in this study, active faults in Isfahan province were also studied. According to the obtained results, the north-south stress trend of Isfahan province due to the activity of straight-slip faults and the northwest-southeast stress trend indicate the reactivation of the rocky faults. The southern parts of the province, including Kolah Ghazi and Pirbakran faults, and part of Khansar fault, as well as the area of Najafabad fault in the northwest and part of Baharestan and Dehaq faults show the most activity in the region. The southern, southeastern and southwestern parts of Isfahan province have moderate activity compared to other parts of the province. According to this research, the city of Isfahan and especially its northern regions are in low risk and low activity in terms of earthquake risk. However, due to the density of identified faults, the southern parts of Isfahan are in the range of moderate seismic risk. Therefore, according to the seismic characteristics of the region and the seismic potential of active faults, necessary measures should be taken to strengthen buildings and structures in urban policies and programs.


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