In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Geography / Geography and Urban Planning / Yazd University / Yazd / Iran


The increasing growth and expansion of cities under the influence of population growth and migration, has led to unplanned construction and many changes in the spatial structure, especially the physical development of cities in unfavorable places that require basic guidance and organization. In the present descriptive-analytical research, using Fuzzy ANP method, the development and growth of Yazd city has been evaluated. Using weighted overlap method in GIS the analysis of the development pattern and guiding urban growth has been done. To analyze the effective factors in the development model of urban area, first 7 main criteria (including environmental, economic, demographic, land and housing market, spatial-physical, government plans and policies, and access to public services) with 32 sub-criteria were determined for Yazd urban area by examining the internal and external sources. Then questionnaires were completed by 20 officials of relevant organizations. Using the Fuzzy ANP model, the coefficient of importance of each indicator was obtained and the most important factor in the development pattern of urban areas was determined. The results show that spatial-physical criteria with 0.170, and population with 0.158 have the highest and economic criteria with 0.052 and government plans and policies with 0.035 have the least impact on the growth and development of Yazd. Because region one in the north of Yazd city has less worn-out texture and region 3 in the south lacks fertile agricultural lands, these regions can be suggested for the future expansion of the city.


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