In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payame Noor University


Human societies have historically been at risk and have always suffered harmful effects. Environmental hazards are increasingly occurring with growing diversity and extent of damage, especially in rural areas. Some factors such as closely related to the environment, deprivation, lack of awareness, and preparedness increase the vulnerability of rural areas. However, environmental hazards are inevitable phenomena and their only solution is to deal with and manage them. One of the approaches to dealing with environmental hazards and crises is resilience. The study area of the present study is exposed to different types of hazards and is in high vulnerability condition and it is necessary to measure its resilience. The present study is an applied one and its purpose is to investigate and explain the resilience of rural settlements in Boldaji district of Borujen county. The research method is descriptive-analytical and survey-based. Required data were collected using documentary and surveys at household level. The sample size was estimated to be 329 households according to the Cochran formula of 2276 families. Questionnaires were completed by simple random sampling. The results showed that the mean level of resilience in the social and physical dimensions were 3.45 and 3.23, respectively, considered as "desirable" level, in the economic dimension with a mean of 3.01 was an "average" level, and in the management dimension with a mean of 2.85 was a "undesirable" level. In addition, among the different villages, Avargan has the highest level of resilience and the lowest levels belong to Sultanabad and Aliabad. Overall, the resilience status in 21 percent of the villages was "appropriate", in 50 percent "moderate" and in about 29 percent "inappropriate".


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