In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Birjand

2 M.A. Student of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Birjand


One of the initiatives of the councils act is appointing an executive officer called "Dehyar" in each village. Dehyar is responsible for implementing decisions taken by the Islamic council of the village. Dehyars as the rural mangers enjoy much power and resources. They would certainly play an important role in rural development if they have enough motivation and skills. After two decades of implementation, it is necessary to recognize and evaluate the functions of Dehyars in terms of physical-developmental, environmental, social and economic indicators. As a survey, the present study aimed to evaluate the performance of modern rural management in AnbarAbad county. The sample included 40 randomly selected villages and 180 households selected by Cochran formula of 14520 households. The required questionnaires were completed based on existing variances of the research (0.119), population proportion, and household dimension of each village. Data analysis was done using SPSS software and Waspas model. The results of the polls indicated that the effects of Dehyar performance on improving the physical-developmental, environmental, and social conditions of the villages are moderate and it is high for the economic condition. Also, results of the Waspas model indicated that Dehyars of Jahad-abad, Ali-abad, Garmsar and Mardehek villages are ranked from first to fourth, respectively, in terms of having the best performance in compare to the other villages of Anabar-abad city.


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