In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of tehran

2 PhD Student in Geography, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

3 PhD Student in Geography, University of Tehran, Kish International Campus


Urban livability in urban development and urban design reflects the strong discourse-that is prevalent in urban planning. This study aimed to analyze the livability of the physical parameters of Ahvaz have taken place in metropolitan areas. This type of research is applied and the method is analytic. Data and information were collected in two ways library and survey. The data analysis models Topsis, Vikor, Sar and combination (merger) was used.The results show that reg 2 is ranked first, reg1 in rank 2, reg 6 in rank 3, region 3 in rank 4, reg 8 in rank 5, reg 7 in rank 6 and finally reg 4 in the last rank (unfavorable). In general, the seventh regions of this city differ in terms of the level of physical habitat in the indicators of the quality of housing, infrastructure, urban mobility and urban form. In terms of the level of utility of physical viability, only areas 2 and 1 were at the level of complete desirability and areas 8,3,4,6 and 4 were the most undesirable areas of physical livability.


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