In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payame Noor University


The present study focuses on evaluating the quality of residential spaces in Oshnaviyeh, a town located in West Azarbaijan province. Also, individual’s satisfaction of their residential space quality as well as effective indices on housing quality and housing environment are evaluated. Based on aim, the present study followed an applicable method; and based on its nature a descriptive-analytical one. For data collection, both documentary and field techniques were applied including interview, observation and questionnaire. A descriptive method was used for conceptual framework and theoretical basis, too. The sample size according to the population of Oshnaviyeh is 375 cases, which have been randomly surveyed at the neighborhood level. SPSS and ArcGIS are two applied software in the present study. An examination of six factors in detail showed different results, but the overall results of the research based on the combined indices indicated that: of 12 neighborhoods of Oshnaviyeh, residents of 3 neighborhoods (namely, 1, 2, and 12) have a high satisfactory level against the quality of residential spaces. The satisfaction level for one neighborhood (11) was moderated and, all other residents (including neighborhoods 3 to 10) were dissatisfied with the quality of their residential spaces. Finally, some practical suggestions have been made to reach the full satisfaction of residential spaces of Oshnaviyeh by its residents.


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