In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism Faculty, Tabriz Islamic Art University

2 PhD student in Islamic Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University


The idea of creative city is a new and effective strategy to fundamental development of cities and improvement of environment and life quality of citizens. Such an idea can be recommended as a sustainable strategy for all metropolitans of the country for all eras. It would always be a changing idea according to its innovative and creative nature as well as new activities and functions of the cities. Since, the formation and growth of creative city strategy depends on the historical and cultural context of cities, the Iranian metropolitans, because of their diverse environments and cultures have a good potential to move towards global creative cities. The present study aimed at reviewing and monitoring the urban structure of eight metropolitans of Iran from a creative city strategy viewpoint. The applied model is an integrated model of VIKOR-AHP. Based on methodology and nature, the present research is a descriptive-analytic-comparative and based on aim, it is an applicable research. Findings of the present study indicate that according to five-fold urban creative structure; metropolitans of Tehran, Isfahan and Tabriz locate at the top of ranking scale with QIs of 0.11, 0.47 and 0.56, respectively. These figures are 0.77, 0.88 and 0.90 for the last three metropolitans of Karaj, Ahwaz, and Qom, respectively. The results show that based on socio-cultural and economic-functional structures of urban creativity, there is an unbalanced and unfair distribution among metropolitans in terms of economic, social and human resources. Also, unlike the availability of potentials and capacities of urban creativity indexes, most of them are not studied and haven’t yet been applied and executed.


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