In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. Department of Geography, Payame Noor University. Tehran. Iran

2 M.A in geography, Payam Noor University. Tehran. Iran


Governance as a new idea is replacing the concept of government. The concept of governance is based on cooperation between governments and civil societies. The fundamental principle of the concept is that instead of full responsibility for the country’s administration by the government, the citizens, private sectors, and public institutions are also responsible for running the country. In recent decades, the approach has been developed in rural areas and modern management with a focus on rural district administration and Islamic Councils is one its manifestations. The present study, using descriptive-analytical method, investigates the realization of good governance indicators in rural areas of Lenjan County. The study is a practical type and the required data was collected by documentary-field methods. The statistical society includes all the villagers in which the sample was obtained by cluster random sampling method. Accordingly, views and international experiences were studied and explored, among them eight important indicators of good governance in sample villages were tested through completion of 250 questionnaires by the heads of households. The results of applying t-test showed that good governance indicators with total mean of 3.24 have been realized less than the desired level. Specifically, the indicators of justice and equality were higher than the desired mean of the researcher (3.5), but the rest were lower than the desired level. The result of kruskal-Wallis test to compare villages’ rankings also showed that there were significant differences between villages regarding realization of good governance. The results of applying one-way analysis variance (ANOVA) also showed that regarding good governance indicators villages were significantly different.


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