In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance professor - Department of landscape engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University

2 MSc Remote Sensing & Geographic information systems, Tabriz University

3 MSc Student green space engineering, Tabriz University


Urban green spaces and parks are considered as a critical component of the urban planning process. Spatial distribution of parks is an important factor in proper accessibility of urban residents to such services. The present study aims at evaluating the coverage of service areas that urban parks provide for people as well as their functions in 10 urban regions of Tabriz city using network analysis and FAHP methods to find the optimal location for expanding and developing the green spaces. The network analysis was done using land use and transit network maps. Then, based on eight effective locational criteria, the location of urban parks was completed. The results indicated that central regions of the city have better access to the neighboring parks than the others. Also, access to local parks is not proper in east, north-west and south areas of Tabriz, but other areas do so. Accessibility to district, regional, and urban parks is suitable in western, eastern and south-eastern parts of Tabriz. Application of FAHP to locating green spaces showed that central and eastern regions of Tabriz are more suitable for creating and expanding the parks and green spaces.


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