In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. student of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran

3 Graduate student of geography and urban planning, University of Tehran

4 Master Degree in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran


   Nowadays, a large number of cities and settlements are built in places that are exposed to natural or man-made disasters. So, addressing the physical problems of residential buildings of cities and explaining the concept of resilience are two essential issues to be considered. Thus, enough attention should be paid to rehabilitating such problematic tissues. The study area comprises the central part of Hamedan, with 55387 inhabitants and 13663 residential buildings with an area of ​​29722351 square meters. Based on aim, the present study is an applicable research and based on methodology it is a descriptive-analytical one which follows a physical-structural approach. Investigated indices in the present study include: building structure, material types, number of floors, aggregation, building age, permeability, building quality and number of units. Spatial Autocorrelation method was used to explore patterns of regression and to weigh the spatial data layers. Also Spatial Autocorrelation technique of Moran (Aselin local Morans) has been applied to investigate the spatial distribution pf residential resielience prioritization. Results of the present study show that 22147924 square meters (74.52 percent of the total area), which includes 7280 building blocks locates in low-resielence to non-resielence range of measure. Such a situation necessitates a quick and mitigate planning for rehabilating the area specially in case of building structure,  permeability, building quality and building age.


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