In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the main challenges of the territorial space planning system, especially local-regional spaces in Iran, is the functional disruption of urban and rural settlements, followed by structural-functional disorientations of the settlement system. One of the effective approaches in balancing disruption and balance adjustment toward a balanced and sustainable pattern is the regional network pattern. Regarding this issue, some settlement systems are in the early stages of formation and some suffer from the damage caused by the changes in the transition from unbalanced network to a balanced one. The settlement system of Hashtroud-Charoymagh district is faced the structural - functional barriers in the early stages of the formation of a regional network system. In the present study, an inductive research method along with a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques is applied to test the factors and forces influencing the formation of regional network. For quantitative analysis, we have used the Nodexl network analysis, GIS, AHP model, and clustering techniques. In qualitative method, regular interviews with stakeholders were conducted to recognize the flow of goods, information and capital in the region. Research findings showed that the spatial flows of primary economic activities which affect the formation of a regional network were incomplete in rural settlement’s physical system, or were following a one-way pattern. In order to modify the structural constraints and strengthen the functional system of rural settlements in the Hashtroud-Charoymagh area, the following attempts need to be done: applying supportive policies and investment of related government institutions, increasing the rate of rural participation, and creating productive foundations by rural stakeholders. Such attempts might lead to form a regional network that would be in interaction with other transnational and national networks.


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