In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Ecotourism is a strategy of tourism development based on environmental protection and local community welfare. It has been associated with successful experiences in different places of the world. The role of ecotourism in supplementing and integrating rural development is accepted as a bottom line in the world. Various factors are involved in the process of development and prosperity of ecotourism including green marketing as an important one. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of green mixed marketing in rural ecotourism development. The sample comprises 200 tourists and visitors of Ghare Su village who have been selected based on a random method. Questionnaire was used to collect the data and SPSS21 and Lisrel8.5 software were applied to statistical data analysis.  Results of the study showed that all green mixed marketing elements such as green product, green price, green promotion and green place have affected the ecotourism development in Ghareh Su village as the case of the present study. Among the mentioned elements of mixed marketing, the green promotion is the most important factor in rural ecotourism development.  In conclusion, it is suggested that due to the importance of green promotion to ecotourism attractions in the village, special attention should be paid to environmental issues and to inform the tourists and local community about the measures and activities that have been taken to protect the environment and reduce its negative impacts.


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