In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Geographical diffusion theory deals with description and explanation of quality and expansion of a phenomenon in a spatial extent and temporal span. It tries to explore the reasons and factors involved in diffusing and expanding the events and phenomena from a region to the others. It also tries to examine the role of such diffusions in physical development of rural areas. On the other side, there is a concept named entrepreneurship which is closely related to some other concepts such as: innovation, risk, creating or renewing socio-economic structure, self-sufficiency and independency. As entrepreneurship can be interpreted as an innovation, it interacts with diffusion theory and might be examined by the mentioned theory. The purpose of the present study is to understand the processes by which an entrepreneurship-distribution occurs based on the Hägerstrand’s diffusion model. The study area includes a rural district (Dehestan) named Souleghan in northwest of Tehran province. Based on its aim, the present study is an applicable research and based on its nature, it is a descriptive-analytical one. Statistical sample includes 82 rural households in Souleghan who were recognized as entrepreneurs in field of plant and flower growing. Data collection was based on both methods of documentary and field study. Applied techniques to collect the data comprise; interview, field observation, and a questionnaire based on Likert range. Findings of the present study indicate that the current diffusion of entrepreneurship in souleghan rural district is in accordance with the second stage of diffusion wave's profile. It also is matching with the intermediate step in the direction of S-curve of Hägerstrand’s diffusion theory. The results show that some characteristics of the mentioned enterprenuership (such as; simplicity, attractiveness, profitability, and economic features) are compatible with the experiences and financial needs of rural people. So, it can be considered as an effective factore to accept an innovation and diffusing it by innovators. It has also had spectacular effects on the physical improvement of houses, pathways and public spaces of villages in the study area.


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