In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Human has always sought shelter starts with the creation of human civilization is gradually making the city occurred. Increase social interaction between humans and characteristics of urban communities today due to the creation of different patterns and it also has been developed. According to the city's multi-faceted phenomenon and dynamic, forecasting, planning and perfect for all of it absolutely does not exist. The pattern of growth and physical development as spatial pattern of human activities at a time when certain defined into two main categories: horizontal expansion of urban sprawl and model compact city is divided to review this template to achieve sustainable urban development will be essential. In the study ahead of Sari in Mazandaran province and one of the city's center is also using the a descriptive – analytical Analytical for six decades between the years 1335 to 1395 were examined. The highest population density in the first decade of 1335 with 238.8 persons per hectare and the lowest decade in terms of population density of 70.8 persons per hectare is about 1355. The purpose of this study was to identify and measure physical growth pattern of Sari in different periods that to achieve a balanced distribution of degree, degree of aggregation, density and size of Metropole has been used. By surveys that show results The city is looking at expanding the space of slow growth and the relative density With early onset of urbanization and uncontrolled migration from rural to urban areas, where development occurs very rapidly, It may be scattered or spread of irregular horizontal growth pattern for the city imagine the consequences would be the undesirable as well.


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