In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



The basin of rural housing issues crucial to the ripped and communities and various countries faced with many problems in this area and have adequate shelter and the kind of quality issue that all countries, according to their conditions, is involved. As one of the most important factors in rural development, sustainable housing dimensions and hence knowledge of the characteristics and analysis of various components of sustainable rural housing is important; The aim of this study is to provide good algorithms for sustainable rural housing in the study area is based on mutual information analysis. Applied research, descriptive-analytic method used to collect data and information from the library and survey methods (‌Prsshnamh and observation) is used. To analyze the data from one sample T-test and analysis methods to influence and impact indicators mutual information (feature selection methods) using the programming capabilities in MATLAB software environment is taken advantage of. The population of this research includes the heads of households in rural areas residential units Zylayy stack that is taken into account Balghbr 1134 households. The results show that by using SPSS statistical Tjzyhvthlylhay The social dimension of sustainability, the physical and economic conditions somewhat stable and unstable aspects of environmental and architectural features is the mutual information and results of the analysis showed that after weighing 323/1 high social impact and inspiration to among the rural housing is stability.


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