In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



If we consider each city as a person, this person is known with some unique personality characters and it will have its own features. The aim of this research is to deliberate the amount of congruity toward destination personality and tourist personality (both ideal congruity and actual congruity) who wants to choose the city as his or her own tourism destination.
Personality dimensions considered in this research include: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness. The used model in this research is brand personality model by Jennifer A. Aaker and these dimensions are according to that model.
the questionnaires were filled by tourists of hotels with 3,4 or 5stars in two Tourism destinations which were chosen as case studies of this research, Shiraz & Yazd.
according to statistical studies it concluded that there is a positive integration between ideal and actual tourist personality and the most important dimensions are sincerity and ruggedness.


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