In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Today, rural construction is considered as one of the main components of the rural develop-ment. one of the most important plans for the improvement and development of the villages is the implementation of the Rural Guide Plan. In this context, the present research is to define criteria for assessing the environmental effects of implementing the Rural Guide Plan according to rele-vant sources. In this study the research methodology in terms of objective is applied and in terms of method it is analytical-descriptive. The major parts of the required data were collected through field studies and using questionnaires. The collected data was then fed into the statistical package for the social science (SPSS) in order to be analyzed and one sample T- test was utilized. Based on the Cochran formula, the sample size was 311 households which were determined by simple random sampling method among families in Shoosti- Zamni village, Babamidan village in Rostam County. The results of the study revealed that despite implementing the Rural Guide Plan problems such as air pollution due to the unhygienic disposal of waste, water stagnations and flooding out of water due to unprincipled constructions of the street curbs and the sidewalks and expansion of pollution caused by animal waste have considerably negative environmental impacts on the villag-es. In these regards, the main findings include the lack or defect in environmental studies during preparing plans and also defect in predicting the consequences of implementing the ten-stage pro-jects in the environments of the villages. Finally, based on the findings of the field studies and the results, some guidelines were provided as feedbacks in order to modify their approach to intervene in the natural environment and the rural environment. The most important of them include correc-tion of service plan description and leading them towards prioritizing environmental studies as well as to the region (habitat)-centered approach in preparing and implementing projects.


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