In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Objective: The main objective of this study is the analysis of urban areas access to health facilities. Its basis is to identify areas with poor access. And position of any area to access health care services should be identified. In this study in the first stage the spatial database of the health services in software ARC-GIS (including 6 major with about 4528 lots) was formed. Then use the models to “two-step floating catchment area”, status in-dicators to each of the spaces of the city of Mashhad access areas were determined. Then using the software «spss» and the “two-step cluster analysis” method, areas of the city of Mashhad was classified according to the index access. The results of this analysis indicate a lack of conformity between the spatial distribution of population and distribution of health services. Central city has the best access to health services and the surrounding ar-eas have to be weakest. Also Mashhad city be classified into two clusters. The first cluster is with an average index access of 3.24 and includes to 2.3% in urban areas (areas have access to excellent condition).The second cluster included 97.7% city areas with a mean index of 0.061 to compared to the first cluster does not show the proper position. Graphs produced by the evaluation of model showed that the most important indicator of the first cluster to second cluster is the index access to pharmacy. Emergency access has the least role in this classification. In Mashhad city Health Services is a single center. So create a new core functionality in various sectors of health care is essential. For this purpose min-imum of two core functions of health care is essential in Mashhad city


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