In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to evaluate quality of life and livability in rural central city of Shahriar in Tehran, Dimensions and indicators of quality of life and livability is common such that to assess the viability of quality of life as a common approach to the topic is used to assess viability. Research direction is based on the location-based quality of life.In addition to data collection, library studies, is a survey, and the Cochrane formula for determining the sample size of 362 patients and their families and Analysis Unit of the heads of families was determined by. Order to select the classification method group villages Venture Towns and classified using seven villages were selected randomly, and finally using the proportional contribution of each village turned out questionnaires. Then examine three dimensions of economic, social and environmental were studied in the villages. response to questions from the test T One-sample t and chi-square were used. The results indicate that the quality of life and livability in the study villages are located in low viability and quality of life and in all social (health, Solidarity and social participa-tion, cohesion and belonging, place, person, and social security), economic (employment, income, housing, transportation, infrastructure and educational facilities), and environ-mental ( Quality place in the absence of infection) assessments are down significantly, and no significant difference also in terms of livability and quality of life in villages in the study area there.


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