In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Iran is a vast country with a diverse national, regional geographical condition which 60% of its expanse is in the rural areas. More than 63898 villages with the population about 23 million (Statical Centre of Iran 1385) exists in the country which, with the special economic, social and cultural characteristics play an important role in the production and the supply of food requirements, independence and security in this region.
Through recent years, supplying villagers with adequate environment and housing have been the main concern. The process of major actions such as preparation and implementation of rural detailed planning, and the national planning of building 200000 housing units annually, have influenced the fabric and physical arrangements of villages. Markazi Province with 419184 people and 1278 villages has occupied 29125 square kilometers of the whole country (1.8%). According to year 85 statistics of Statical Centre of Iran, 99842 rural housing units exists in this state that the reconstruction of these units is the major aim of national improvement planning of rural housing. Providing adequate environment and housing without the knowledge about rural architectural characteristics is a though or maybe non-achievable job.
Existence of worthy vernacular housing typologies in the state and the need for knowledge about characteristics and preservation of the sustainability values, have made the need of architectural studies in the field of housing very important.
The forth article which have been prepared with the aim of introducing the dominant housing typologies of Markazi province is in 3 phases. The first part analyses the general aspects, introduction, methodology and determining the villages and sample housing units and introducing the Markazi Province. The second part is specified to defining rural fabric characteristics, physical arrangements, housing typologies and their elements. The third part is dedicated to analysis, conclusion and determination of dominant housing typologies and accepted housing in Province villages.

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