In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



Physical textures of villages are considered as the location of many various and important activities of rural life. Some other rural functions are closely related to the physical texture of villages, too. For example, any changes of socio-cultural and economic characteristics of villages are reflected in their physical textures. Such changes indicate the impact and influence of different events including urbanism on rural settlements. Because, villages have different relations with urban centers, and dimensions and extent of these relationships have many influences on rural physical textures and would cause change of structure and function of rural housing. Such changes are more visible in outskirts of cities where the extent of changes are wider. Traditional rural houses are different from urban houses because of their various and different functions and functional spaces in which rural activities can be done easier. However, new rural houses that copy their urban counterpart patterns are mono-functional and have created some challenges in new rural activities. The present study applies a descriptive-analytical method and required data are collected through documentary and field studies. Findings show that urbanism has changed the structure and functions of traditional rural houses. Modern rural housing has also affected functions of houses due to the adaptation of urban housing pattern.


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