In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



The indigenous pattern of rural housing is formed according to physical and ecological factors . it takes advantage of systemic approach in which all sub-systems have structural-functional links and evolve during the time. Nowadays, as understanding the ecology of rural housing in different parts of the country is important, the necessity of studying ,maintaining and sustaining the indigenous patterns are important, too. / the “Improvement of rural housing “ plan is considered as one of the most important physical plans that has broadly accepted by a large number of rural residents because of assigning low interest bank credits by the government. The plan has been successful in case of removal of deprivation and quake-resistant built-up, however, the plan has not achieved a lot of success in case of regarding the criteria of indigenous housing pattern. The present study has evaluated the “improvement of rural housing” plan in turkman sahra region based on the mentioned criteria. The applied method is an explanation-analitic one based on field study and field data do so,280 households were selected based on a random sampling. The sample also was divided into two groups: the group of people who have benefited the bank credits and another group without using bank credits. The findings of the study indicate that the plan has successes and shortcomings. successes include: the improving of rural culture in relation to plan and map of houses, regarding the security butter, and rebuilding energy-consuming pattern. shortcomings include: location of the house inside yard, houses, direction, alteration of economic functions, and the height of the buildings.


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