In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Urban Planning Department, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Urban Planning Department, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



The physical growth of Iranian metropolises has forced the urban management to develop urban projects, especially in the field of transportation. These projects are generally defined from a traffic point of view and in line with physical development and the creation of infrastructure and facilities for the movement of cars, and are oblivious to social issues and spatial qualities. Therefore, many of these projects, especially in the city of Karaj, have faced widespread criticism due to various social, cultural and even economic and environmental consequences. Considering the conflict of opinions in this field, it is very necessary to check the compatibility of these projects with the indicators of sustainable urban development. This article evaluates three non-level intersection projects in Karaj based on the four dimensions of sustainable development, including "economic prosperity", "cultural vitality", "social development" and "environmental resilience". The research is quantitative and the data was collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. The results of the sustainability cycles technique showed that the projects of non-level intersections in Karaj city are unfavorable based on the indicators considered for sustainability, especially the social and environmental dimensions. Social and spatial incompatibility, great optimism about technical issues, neglecting residents' opinions, and lack of sustainable design are among the reasons for the failure of these projects.


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