In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Geography and Urban Planning Association

Document Type : Research Paper



The issue of privacy has always been regarded as an essential criterion in designing and constructing Islamic cities. Since the existing pattern of house-building in Tehran tends to neglect the privacy principle, there exists a necessity to reintroduce it in modern Iranian architecture and culture. The present study aims at investigating the issue of privacy in houses located within traditional parts of Tehran via analyzing typology. This would help the residents of those areas to renew and reapply the privacy principle at their residential apartments. In the present study a functional approach was adopted accompanied by a descriptive-analytical method of analysis. Using maps and field observations, houses from both traditional and modern era were selected in two quarters of Sanglaj and Imamzadeh Yahya in Tehran. The process of typology of entrance spaces was conducted based on the hierarchy of entry. The research findings indicate that there exists a kind of hierarchy of entrance in traditional houses based on the needs of their residents which is missing in modern houses, because it is neglected by the designers. Through creating such spatial features in entrance spaces, not only privacy is enhanced but also a proper definition of private and semi-private spaces can be achieved. Privacy enhancement will be effective to prevent the interruption in functions of other spaces. Accordingly, recognizing the spaces of entry can lead to providing a more appropriate pattern for enhancing privacy.


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